VALORANT Brimstone Smokes on Bind (Attack/Defense)

This is a Brimstone Smoke Guide for Bind on VALORANT.

In this guide, you will learn how to secure the Attack and Defend rounds of Bind using Brimstones smokes and molly lineups to your advantage.

Attack on Bind

A Site Smokes

Site Entry 1: Default plant smokes

One smoke TRUCK and another smoke right next to TRUCK.

This is the default Brimstone smoke for a plant on A site. With these smokes, you block off anyone peeking from heaven. Additionally, you block off anyone else on-site or showers from peeking you. This gives your team a chance to clear U-Hall and secure the bomb plant.

  • Truck should ALWAYS be smoked off on any A attack.
  • These brim smokes work great in combination with a sage wall to further prevent any pushes through your smoke
  • Ideally, a raze on your team will clear U-Hall (Lamps) with a nade
  • If you have Brimstone ultimate, throw it on U-Hall (Lamps) for an easy A plant

Site Entry 2: Smoke off Lamps + Molly

One smoke on TRUCK, one smoke on LAMPS. + Molly LAMPS.

With this smoke, you and your team only have to worry about the right side of the A site. The molly will prevent anyone from pushing through lamps.

  • This smoke strategy works best with a 3 – 2 push from both showers and A short.

Site Entry 3: Shower entry smokes

Throw one smoke on TRUCK, one on LAMPS, and a third on HEAVEN.

This is the kind of smoke setup you should use when entering from showers.

[Skip to B site smokes]

A Site Molly Lineups

Molly Lineup from A short

Start in the corner of A lobby. Aim your molly high up until the middle mouse button aligns with where the leaf meets the wire.

This molly will land on the default A plant spot and delay any defuses.

Molly Lineup from Lamps

From Lamps, aim for the top-right corner of the building with the two windows.

This molly will land on the default plant spot and delay any defuses.

B Site smokes

Site Entry: Smoke CT and Elbow

Smoke HALL (CT) and Elbow.

These smokes effectively smoke off any entry onto the site from the enemy team and leave you and your team to pick off anyone left on site.

  • This smoke setup leaves you with one smoke left for post plant which you can use on Elbow, Hall or Hookah depending on your intel
  • You can throw a molly on your B hall smoke to further delay their push onto B site
  • These smokes also work great post plant.

B Site Molly Lineups

Molly Lineup: Default Post Plant

Stand in the corner of B teleporter, look up and align your health bar line with the corner of the teleporter.

This will land on the default plant spot, effectively delaying a defuse.

  • Make sure you throw this molly lineup before you hear anyone defusing

Defense on Bind

Defensive smokes should not be used at the start of the round. Instead, wait until you know which site your opponents are going to push to drop your smokes.

A Site Smokes

Default A Defense smokes

Smoke off A Cubby and Showers.

These smokes effectively block off every entry onto A site for the attackers. Your opponents will have no choice but to either rotate or wait out the smokes. If they decide to push through them with no utilities, it’ll lead to free kills for your team.

  • Wait until you have more intel on an actual push to drop these smokes
  • You can use your molly to further delay any pushes.

Retake/Rotate smoke A

Hug the cubby on B Site and smoke of A Cubby.

This is the kind of smoke you can use to block off pushes from A Cubby if you started the round on B site.

B Site Smokes

Smoke Hookah & B Long

Smoke Hookah and B long.

These smokes block off all entrances onto B site. If they do wind up pushing through, they will be disadvantaged as the defenders will see them first.

  • Wait until you have more intel on an actual push to drop these smokes
  • When enemies push through the smoke, molly one side of you so you can peek from the other side

Orb farm Smoke

Smoke B long at the start of the round and grab the ult orb

If you do this instantly, this smoke makes it easy and safe for you to farm the ult orb at the start of the round.

Should you play Brimstone on Bind?

Even though Astra and Viper have the highest pick rates on other maps in the current controller meta, Brimstone is actually THE best controller on Bind.

Brimstone’s utility: smokes, molly, and his ultimate are absolute game-changers on this map.

With Brimstone, you can activate 3 smokes at the same time which makes attacking on this map child’s play.

What’s more is that unlike on other maps, you can actually block off EVERY choke point with Brim smokes on Bind. It’s almost too good.

His smokes also last the longest out of all the controller agents.

The molly is great for post-plant or preventing pushes through your smoke.

And finally, Brimstones ultimate, which can be farmed really easily when a Brim is set up on B site, can clear easily clear tight spots such as LAMPS and HOOKAH.

Below is a clip of Fnatic Boaster explaining why Brimstone is S tier on BIND.

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